Thought Leader.
Since her father’s passing in 2010, Yaffa has committed herself to carry on his legacy and advocates on behalf of the Ethiopian Jewish community. She serves as a consultant and speaker on Ethiopian Jewish history, culture, community and Jewish diversity. She represents the Canadian Jewish community for provincial, national and international organizations as well as at various levels of government.
Yaffa Tegegne is a biracial Ethiopian-Ashkenazi Jew born in Montreal, Canada. Her father, the late Baruch Tegegne is known globally as a community leader and activist credited with initiating the Aaliyah of Ethiopian Jewry to Israel. Her roots, heritage and education support her passion for public service.

"We have survived for 2,500 years in worse conditions. You're not going to stop our mission now; we'll be there whether you like it or not."
-Baruch Tegegne

She shares her experiences in a range of talks.
• Spotlighting diversity in the Jewish community
• Broadening the notion of the Jewish identity
• Addressing discrimination faced by Jews with diverse identities.
• Building a better understanding of the connection between racism and anti-Semitism.
• Discussing racism and intersectionality